Next stop: MULTIVERSE! I'm on panels galore, will have a bunch of pieces in the art show, AND will have a table in the dealer's room! Can't wait! Here's my schedule! Hope to see you all there in Sandy Springs, Georgia October 15 - 17!
This is my schedule, but you can find all the details on Multiverse here.
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
More to a Story than the Words
A panel discussing why and how the visual aspects of the fiction we consume impact us so much, focusing in part on the right brain/left brain interactions, cover art, interior illustrations, maps, fan art, and more.
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
I Love The Colors and I Want to Lick It
Ever wanted to talk to an artist but didn't know what to say? We are here to fix that. A panel discussing how--and why--to talk about art, connecting non-artists with artists, encouraging more and better conversations about visual art in the world of fiction.
Art Expo Reception
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Come have some (free!) hors d’oeuvre, wine (if you are of age) and conversation with our artists right in the Art Expo!
MEETup: Every Day I’m Hustlin’, the Online Edition
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Maybe it’s the Funkos gathering dust on a shelf or the Star Trek collectibles you’ve inherited, and you’re more of a Star Wars fan. Maybe you love making Tardis-themed clothing, crafting Firefly-themed pet accessories or designing t-shirts featuring your favorite Captain. What if there’s a way to generate money by getting items to people who value them, or by creating content around your fandom? If you’ve already discovered ways that work for you, or want to more effectively use sites such as Etsy, Ebay, Society6, Redbubble, Spoonflower, Teepublic and others, then this is the MEETup for you!
Crafting Your Author Brand
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Being an author these days is much more than just writing. This is especially true for indie authors, but also for traditionally published authors. The idea of creating your own brand might seem daunting and confusing. Let our panelists help demystify the process!
One of the things I love about Multiverse is that proof of vaccination is required for every guest and attendee. That'll keep everyone much safer, and we'll all be able to have a better time. Hope to see you there!